Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lambing time...

We're just back from the spur-of-the-moment trip to the UK, to hike, see the new lambs (saw one set of twins feeding), stand on cliff edges, and drive the one-track roads (yikes!) in Derbyshire and Yorkshire.

We also cheered as our son's band won at the World Pipe Band Championships - absolutely amazing!

Now that we're home, it seems like a wonderful dream. The phone calls have been coming in thick and fast with updates on all the most recent babies. I've been fielding questions about pooping, breastfeeding, throwing up, whether grunting is normal, how to introduce solids, parenting 2 year olds, toilet training...

I'm home for a wild week of pre and postnatal visits, then off to Hornby for our "regularly scheduled holiday."

Then the busy Fall baby season approaches. Truly lambing time...

1 comment:

Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

So jealous. I have relatives in the UK. Would love to go...someday!
